Compac Bottle Buddy Review


You can head over and grab a Bottle Buddy  of your own. Whether you are ordering for yourself or as a baby shower gift this product is AWESOME! I found it much easier to make a baby bottle in the middle of the night even while holding my grandson at the same time then I did prior to receiving this product! I will keep this product as a perminate kitchen appliance in my house! You should totally go check out the other products over at Compac Industries
I must say also Compac has a GREAT sense of how customers should be treated and provide EXCELLENT customer service! Here is an awesome would it be if they made one that was kinda like a coffee pot but for formula instead that would make some EASY bottling! Also go follow them on their social media sites below

Compac on Facebook
Compac on Twitter

*Note: It was NOT hard to put together it was something that I myself was doing an it made it just look like it lol.


Da Freebies : Compac Bottle Buddy Review

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Compac Bottle Buddy Review


You can head over and grab a Bottle Buddy  of your own. Whether you are ordering for yourself or as a baby shower gift this product is AWESOME! I found it much easier to make a baby bottle in the middle of the night even while holding my grandson at the same time then I did prior to receiving this product! I will keep this product as a perminate kitchen appliance in my house! You should totally go check out the other products over at Compac Industries
I must say also Compac has a GREAT sense of how customers should be treated and provide EXCELLENT customer service! Here is an awesome would it be if they made one that was kinda like a coffee pot but for formula instead that would make some EASY bottling! Also go follow them on their social media sites below

Compac on Facebook
Compac on Twitter

*Note: It was NOT hard to put together it was something that I myself was doing an it made it just look like it lol.



At September 17, 2013 at 3:32 AM , Blogger Kay Comer said...

WHAT a neat idea! Thanks for sharing.

At September 17, 2013 at 6:21 AM , Blogger Diane said...

Great idea for parents of newborns!

At September 18, 2013 at 5:51 PM , Blogger fdsafsd said...

This is a great idea, I wish I would have read this when my daughter was younger. We are planning another one thank you so much for sharing I am bookmarking this!


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